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Getting Started in Grease Monkey™

Getting Started in Grease Monkey™

October 6, 2021

Getting Started in Grease Monkey™ post image

There are many elements to consider when designing a food-service establishment. Figuring out which grease interceptor to use is one small part of the overall project, but is important and can often be complex. Grease Monkey™ is a free tool that helps make the task of grease interceptor sizing easy. Here are some things to know when getting started.


After creating a free account, you will be directed to your dashboard. Over time, the dashboard aggregates all of your projects.


Your list of projects will contain their respective workflow status.

  • Draft: project details are incomplete or the project is filled out but details are still being manipulated

  • Submitted: project is complete and submitted for GM Check

  • Closed: project is complete and no further action is needed


In addition to the status, high-level project details like name, recommended grease interceptor, and date are visible. If you tend to work on similar projects repeatedly, you can select the row the project resides in to display more details that can help you determine which specific project you are viewing before taking subsequent action.


In the aforementioned use case of working on a project repeatedly, a useful feature is the ability to clone a project. By selecting the clone icon in the right hand side of a project, you can copy all of the project details while also changing the name and location information. This is especially handy for projects with many kitchen fixtures and specific details.

For more tips and tricks on navigating the dashboard, take a look at this short video:


When creating a new project from scratch, you'll select "New Project" from your dashboard.

Location Information

The most important aspect is filling out the location of the restaurant. This information is used to query to determine if there is a jurisdiction match, if the jurisdiction has local requirements for sizing, and which sizing specialists may be assigned to your project (more on that in the GM Check section below).


Again, Grease Monkey™ is meant to be easy. There are only a handful of pages with quick questions to fill out:

  • About: confirms your address information and let's you set the construction type of the project

  • Location: helps determine where the interceptor will be located in the project

  • Flow Rate: entering in pipe size and fixtures to determine which flow rate is optimal for sizing the grease interceptor

  • Grease Capacity: entering in menu type to determine how much grease the restaurant will produce

With all of these questions answered, Grease Monkey™ can deliver the calculations and recommended grease interceptor for your project.


The summary page contains the recommended grease interceptor, components, and accessories that fit best with your project's details. The page will also aggregate the project's calculations for flow rate and grease for reference. Upon getting the recommendations for your project, you can proceed in a number of ways:

  • Edit the project: change details on the project to try to affect the outcome of product to use

  • Obtain a PDF of the sizing calculations that can be copied and pasted into plans

  • View more details on the grease interceptor on the Schier website and get access to installation instructions or spec/submittal documents

  • Get a free consult by submitting the project for GM Check

GM Check

The summary page includes the free option to have a Regulatory Compliance Specialist review your project, confirm the jurisdiction your project resides in, and interface with the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) to make sure the project satisfies the requirements of the locale. The Regulatory Compliance Specialists work in territories and interface with the same AHJs often. Regulatory Compliance Specialists coordinate which project details may need to change and provide any additional documents or resources you need to ensure a successful plans review for the grease interceptor.

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