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Schier Announces Dual-Certified GB-1000

Schier Announces Dual-Certified GB-1000

April 4, 2022

Schier Announces Dual-Certified GB-1000 post image

We are proud to announce that the redesigned GB-1000 is now the industry’s first and only 1,000-gallon grease interceptor that is dual certified as both a hydromechanical grease interceptor certified to ASME A112.14.3 / CSA B481.1 (Type D) and a gravity grease interceptor certified to IAPMO/ANSI Z1001.


Since the EPA's Clean Water Act was enacted in the early 1970s, 1,000-gallon concrete tanks have become the number one specified size and type of grease interceptor in the industry. These units are guaranteed to fail and offer zero performance ratings.

But the tides are turning toward non-corrosive and performance-rated products, like the Great Basin™, with AHJs and specification engineers across the country. The first Great Basin™ model was introduced in 2006, forever changing the grease interceptor industry. Over time, more models were added to the series and by 2018 the lineup included eight sizes ranging from 10 gallons to 1,000 gallons.

The Newly Redesigned GB-1000

The GB-1000 is Schier's performance-rated, non-corrosive answer to the 1,000-gallon grease interceptor market that is largely comprised of corrosive concrete products. The goal of the redesign was to provide hydromechanical performance resulting in industry-leading grease capacity and efficiency in a lighter and more robust unit able to be installed above grade - all while offering the same great lifetime warranty. 

The fully redesigned GB-1000 consists of two independent rotationally molded halves bolted and welded together vertically in the middle, providing tremendous structural integrity. This also creates the internal baffle with two openings to aid our flow diffusers with high-performance grease separation, a process we call Schier Flow Technology™. 

Now, dual certified to both hydromechanical and gravity grease interceptor standards, the GB-1000 is a superior alternative to non-performance validated gravity grease interceptors. We’ve made the specification process even simpler by discontinuing our GGI-1000 gravity grease interceptor and thus directing all 1,000-gallon interceptor inquiries to the GB-1000.

Grease Interceptor Certification Standards Explained

About the IAPMO/ANSI Z1001 standards 

The IAPMO/ANSI Z1001 design standard for gravity grease interceptors simply dictates minimum water and air capacities and dimensions to ensure adequate separation for gravity installations. This standard does not include a performance validation test. Since the performance of these units relies on a 30-minute retention time, flow control devices are not allowed for this type of grease interceptor. Typical sizes for these types of grease interceptors range from 500 gallons to 3,000 gallons; higher volumes are possible depending on the drainage fixture unit count. 

About the ASME/CSA standards 

Flow control 

The ASME/CSA standard sets ratings and types to better understand how to specify and use hydromechanical grease interceptors. Ratings are divided into four types: 

  • Type A: external flow control with air intake, directly connected 

  • Type B: external flow control without air intake, directly connected 

  • Type C: without external flow control, directly connected (internal flow control) 

  • Type D: without external flow control, indirectly connected (no flow control) 

The GB-1000 has been certified to Type D of the ASME/CSA standards and, as such, does not require an additional flow control (external or internal). Because gravity grease interceptors are not permitted to use flow control devices, this critical feature is what allows the GB-1000 to carry a dual listing as a hydromechanical and gravity grease interceptor. 

Performance rated 

ASME A112.14.3 / CSA B481.1 performance standards for hydromechanical grease interceptors dictate minimum criteria for grease separation efficiency and capacity across a spectrum of flow rates. The ASME/CSA standards also allow for testing above the minimum grease capacity (illustrated in grease pounds) so that manufacturers like Schier may focus on maximizing performance. The GB-1000 offers the industry’s leading certified ratings for a 1,000-gallon grease interceptor as follows: 

In summary, the major differences between hydromechanical and gravity grease interceptors are:

We are excited to offer this singular solution to make the job of specifying grease interceptors easier than ever. Dual certification gives engineers the ability to specify the GB-1000, regardless of whether they are designing a product in a jurisdiction that requires hydromechanical or gravity grease interceptors. 

For more information on the redesigned, dual-certified GB-1000, go here:

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