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Fulfillment Time Increased
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Common Accessories
Will your interceptor be buried?
You have chosen a pedestrian-rated cover and indicated buried installation. As this cover is load rated to only 2,000 lbs., be aware machinery of any kind cannot be driven over this application.
Either CHANGE your cover selection to "cast iron," or DISMISS and keep the current selection.
You have chosen a cast iron cover and indicated an above grade installation. This combination is not recommended. Not only are cast iron covers more difficult to remove and replace when the tank is above grade, their weight can deform the neck gasket without additional support.
Either CHANGE your cover selection to "composite," or DISMISS and keep the current selection.
Will your interceptor be indoors?
You have chosen a cast iron cover and indicated an indoor installation. This combination is not recommended. Indoor interceptors usually don't require H-20 load rated covers, and bolted composite covers provide a superior gasket seal to help control odors and are less likely to damage finished floors.
Either CHANGE your cover selection to "composite," or DISMISS and keep the current selection.
You have chosen a pedestrian-rated cover and indicated outdoor installation. This combination is typically not recommended, as this cover is load rated to only 2,000 lbs and machinery of any kind cannot be driven over this application.
Either CHANGE your cover selection to "cast iron," or DISMISS and keep the current selection.
Fulfillment Time Increased
Requested quantity will increase fulfillment time, please call for details .